Research Opportunities
Idaho NASA EPSCoR funds Research Initiation Grants to provide opportunities for new researchers to gain experience and/or for established researchers to take a dramatic step in a new research direction.
Maximum award amount: $50,000
Award duration: Approximately 1 year
Matching requirement: None
Who can apply? Researchers at Idaho institutions of higher education and their employees can apply for these grants.
Proposal submission deadline: February 16, 2024
Idaho NASA EPSCoR will hold a pre-proposal webinar for proposers on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 3:30 PM PT
Watch recorded Zoom Meeting HERE
View informational slides here
Idaho NASA EPSCoR Research Initiation Grants
Idaho NASA EPSCoR Collaboration Grant
The goal of the Idaho NASA EPSCoR Collaboration Grant program is to support new collaborations for researchers (faculty and/or students) to increase Idaho's research capabilities. Often, these types of grants are used to fund travel to research centers (e.g., a NASA Center, a National Lab, or a potential industry partner).
Maximum award amount: $5,000
Award duration: Up to 1 year, but usually less
Matching requirement: 1:1 (In other words, a non-federal cash or in-kind match equal to the amount requested from Idaho NASA EPSCoR.)
Who can apply? Researchers at Idaho institutions of higher education and their employees can apply for these grants.
Proposal submission deadline: On a rolling basis, but at least 45 days before travel.
The proposal should include the following (in a PDF file)
Brief abstract (250 words or less)
Project description: Include information on the location, the approximate dates of travel, the purpose, and the benefit of the travel.
Student involvement: Describe any student participation in this travel (if any)
Relevance to NASA and/or Idaho NASA EPSCoR: Describe how this travel relates to and/or would benefit NASA and/or INE
Budget narrative: Include a narrative describing the details of the proposed expenses and cost share.
You should also include a budget for the travel in MS Excel - to be uploaded with the proposal.
Idaho NASA EPSCoR Summer Faculty Fellowship
The Idaho NASA EPSCoR is offering summer Faculty Fellowships to faculty to provide a few weeks of time during the summer to analyze and understand NASA’s needs and how their research and/or expertise might meet those needs. During this summer fellowship, faculty researchers are given both time and resources to analyze where their existing research and expertise can benefit NASA. They will be introduced to resources such as NSPIRES, the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, the NASA Human Research Roadmap, and TechPort, as well as meet with the Idaho NASA EPSCoR team to better understand processes.
To apply, researchers will need to fill out the Faculty Fellow Application and upload the following with the application:
1) A budget for $5,000 + the F&A for your institution (budget templates available above)
2) A letter of support from your Department Chair.
​Maximum award amount: $5,000 + F&A
Award duration: Variable
Matching requirement: None
Who can apply? Researchers from Idaho's colleges and universities
Application Submission deadline: February 16, 2024
UPDATE: we are no longer accepting proposals for the ISS Flight Opportunity Solicitation at this time. This cancellation is a result of a cut in the NASA budget to ISS activities
Cancelled: NASA EPSCoR International Space Station Flight Opportunity
2023 NASA EPSCoR Rapid Response Research Proposals
This opportunity is intended to provide limited funding (~100K) to researchers for projects that last a year or less and that are specifically targeted to NASA’s needs. The technical part of the proposal is limited to 2-3 pages per topic.
​Maximum award amount: $100,000 ($95,000, as $5,000 will be reserved for INE program oversight)
Award duration: Up to 1 year
Who can apply? Researchers from Idaho's colleges and universities can submit NOIs to be considered for full proposal development
Jurisdictions may submit up to a total of six proposals. Therefore proposers must submit a notice of intent.
Solicitation release from NASA: November 13, 2023
Mandatory Notice of Intent submission to Idaho NASA EPSCoR: December 1, 2023
Proposals due to NASA: February 26, 2024 - but final date to be determined based on number of Idaho proposals.
Maximum award amount: $725,000
Award duration: Up to 3 years
Matching requirement: 50% (e.g., if you request $725,000 from NASA; you must provide $362,500 in cost-share)
Who can apply? Researchers from Idaho's colleges and universities can submit pre-proposals.
Notice of Intent deadline (Optional): July 15, 2024
Pre-proposal submission deadline: August 16, 2024